Monday, 2 September 2013

Mr Gove.

Below are a few headlines I found after 3 minutes searching.

April 2010:
"Across England and Wales, there were 114,000 more children born in 2008 than in 2001 - with each year having seen an increase.
And the Office for National Statistics says the rise in births between 2007 and 2008 alone will mean an extra 700 classrooms when these children reach school age."

January 2012:
"More than 450,000 extra primary pupils will need places in England by 2015 as schools face a surging birth rate, government figures reveal."

March 2013:
"A quarter of a million extra school places will be needed in England by autumn 2014 to meet rising demand, the National Audit Office (NAO) is warning."

July 2013:
"Despite increases in school capacity there will be 120,000 fewer places than there are pupils, ..."

Any child/adult who has ever played a Sim City type game will tell you that you need to look at your birth rate to predict need. We have statistics coming out of our ears and yet we are still woefully unprepared for the number of children reaching school age. You can not say you were not warned.

Is this because each Government only plans for their 4 or 5 years and how they can make their mark?  It is too easy to blame the previous Government - the departments are supposed to be doing the same jobs, maybe there are certain things that should transcend your petty squabbles.  Is it that Ministers within that Government are trying to be sensationalists by changing things that don't need to be changed (GCSEs for example) rather than trying to do the best job possible?

Maybe Ministers forget that there is actually a job to be done - a country to be organised (not 'led' ) - lives are affected by your actions and inactions.

Knuckle down and earn some respect rather than worrying about earning money.


Welsh Letters.