Friday, 2 August 2013

... Cardiff & Vale University Health Board.

Dear sirs,

What is it with the Heath hospital?  I totally understand that the NHS and individual HBs need to save money, but do you really need to stoop so low that when dads attend hospital to support their partners and new born babies, they are not even allowed to be offered a cup of tea from the trolley on the ward?  How much does that save the Health Board each year?  How much would a dad have to pay to the lovely staff (who look mortified when they have to explain they're not allowed to offer) to get a cuppa?  20p? 50p? £1?  I for one, would willingly pay for my tea rather than walk from the Maternity ward to the concourse and back.  Do you know how far that is?  It's blooming ridiculous that there is no other provision in such a large hospital.

What's that?  There are shops and refreshments in other places?  Have any of you visited recently?  If so, at what time?  I bet it was some time between Mon-Fri and 9-5 wasn't it?  Unfortunately, (ask the midwives, they'll tell you!) babies have a habit of arriving outside of normal business hours.  By 6 all the shops in the concourse have shut.  The little coffee bar in the Women's unit is shut even earlier.

People wander around the hospital despondently. Tired, lost because the signage is so awful, dehydrated and hungry.  People, whether they've had good news or bad, just want to experience a level of care, and that's the issue!  The NHS is supposed to care for ALL of us.  When the staff say, ".. only for patients." I wonder .. who is your patient?  Who are you treating?  My partner?  My child?  Or is it my family?  That baby is part of me and we come as a unit.

Treating dads like second class citizens as soon as their child is born is pathetic!


Welsh letters

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