Sunday, 14 October 2018

... AoHL

The following was sent, with the signatures of 70 RSLIs, TIs, RSLTs, & other Deaf professionals;

To whom it may concern,

We understand from a statement made by the Regulating Body of Sign Language Interpreters (RBSLI), that Action On Hearing Loss will now be offering work to interpreters who are not registered with NRCPD.

After many years of explaining the importance of 'the yellow badge' and interpreters/agencies working hand in hand to push for a recognisable bench mark of professionalism, we understand you consulted with a member of the RBSLI board in the 'period of consultation and clarification' before recognising RBSLI.

Had you consulted with the Deaf community or with any of the 1108 registered interpreters (other than the 43 regulated by RBSLI) we feel they would have told you that having more than one regulation body is deeply unhelpful.

In order to ensure a quality service for the Deaf community, we have been working towards becoming a profession with a protected title and having mandatory registration. The 'recognition' of another regulatory body could set this campaign back 10 years. We understand the desire for choice of membership bodies, unions, etc, but when it comes to regulatory bodies, there should be only one, as there is for healthcare professionals.

We understand that you have said you will review this decision on a quarterly basis, and would ask you to speak to a broad range of people so that you can get a balanced view on this issue. We would ask you to consider the long term effects on the communities you serve as a charity, and once again get behind the NRCPD and interpreters in their goal to achieve mandatory regulation by a single body.



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