Thursday, 17 January 2013

... baby wipe manufacturers.

Dear sir/madam,

Do you have babies?  Have you ever been up at 3am changing a nappy in a dimly lit nursery, battling to stop your half asleep child from putting his/her hand in their produce and at the same time trying not to disturb them from their slumber?  Have you ever tried to get a wipe out with one hand because you have baby vomit cupped in the other?

I would suggest you haven't, otherwise you would know that the opening to your wipes would strongly influence whether parents buy them or not.
In our household, we like the plastic flip top, though we have yet to find a system that satisfactorily produces ONE wipe with a simple pull whilst presenting the next wipe in a way that you can reach it easily when you need it.  Cue a long line of wipes being pulled out before being stuffed back in and totally ruining the system.

We DO NOT like the transparent sticky covering which allows your graphic designers' masterpiece to be shown on the upper side of your wipes, but does not allow a parent to find the opening in anything but perfect conditions.  It is akin to wrapping Xmas presents & trying to find the end of the sticky tape with one hand while holding the carefully folded wrapping paper with your other hand/chin.  Oh yeah, and the Xmas present is Tigger - you know - likes playing with Pooh!

A little common sense please - you know who you are.


Welsh Letters

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