Monday, 14 January 2013

... The First Minister of Wales

... the First Minister of Wales

Dear Carwyn,

When I sat down to eat a meal in my house in Penarth, lovingly made by my Welsh girlfriend with ingredients bought in our local shops, little did I expect to be eating potatoes from Norfolk, haddock from Scotland and chives from Kenya.  I mean …. chives from Kenya???

Here we are in one of the lushest countries in the world!  One of our national emblems is a vegetable and another a flower.  Pembrokeshire produces the best tasting potatoes in the world (in my humble opinion), we have the sea on 3 sides of us, the produce of which is as fine as any in the world, Welsh cheeses are prize winners and our lamb and beef are legendary. And you can not tell me, that in a country as innovative as ours, with the manpower, the land and the climate that we are blessed with, that we can not produce enough chives to satisfy our requirements.

May I suggest, that instead of spending £150 million pounds on an airport, you use our money (and maybe that huge tract of land at Rhoose) to ensure that when people want potatoes, leeks, daffodils, blue cheese, chops, steaks or even chives they can find them, produced locally in the local shops.


Welsh Letters

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